Saturday, February 25, 2012


LANSING, Mich. -- The following information was released by the office of the Michigan Attorney General:

Attorney General Mike Cox announced today the arrest of Joshua Blake Hoe, 42, of Ypsilanti, for using the Internet to solicit minors for sex after communicating and making advances toward who he thought was a 14-year-old girl.

"This arrest should remind parents that predators are using the Internet to target our children," said Cox. "I can't emphasize enough that parents must be vigilant in monitoring their kids online because child predators are constantly looking for their next victim."

Hoe, the University of Michigan's Debate Program Director, used the screen name "okape40," to communicate online with at least one "girl" he believed to be 14 years old. He allegedly engaged in graphic sexual conversation and propositioned the undercover persona to engage in sexual activity. Additionally, Hoe provided what he thought to be a 14-year-old girl with Internet links to pornographic websites. His conversations with the undercover persona originated in a chat room, which led to private instant messaging conversations. During the private conversations, Hoe informed the "girl" he was an administrator at the University of Michigan.

The Defendant is charged with:

One count of Accosting, Enticing or Soliciting a Child For Immoral Purposes, a 4-year felony,

Three counts of Using the Internet to Accost a Child for Immoral Purposes, a 10-year felony,

Three counts of using the Internet to Disseminate Sexually Explicit Matter to a Minor, a 4-year felony.

Hoe was arraigned today in Ypsilanti at the 14A-2 District Court, before Magistrate Camille T. Horne. The Magistrate set bond at $15,000, and Hoe will appear back in court for a Preliminary Hearing scheduled for May 6, 2010.

Parents are encouraged to check their children's "buddy lists" for the screen name, "okape40". If they believe their child had contact with Hoe, or to report other suspected Internet sex predators, parents should contact the Attorney General's office at (313) 456-0180. Parents and schools may also contact the Attorney General's office for information on our award-winning educational program, the Michigan Cyber Safety Initiative (Michigan CSI), which has been taught to more than 550,000 Michigan children.

Since Cox restructured the Child and Public Protection Unit, 256 Internet sexual predators have been arrested. Attorney General Cox encourages parents to visit tips on safe Internet usage for children.

A criminal charge is merely an accusation, and the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.

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